Organiser of colours & shapes.
Connoisseur of 8-bit games and strawberry cheesecake.

I’m Shreyaa, a Graphic Designer & Illustrator with over 9 years of experience. I began my journey with a focus in print media, and progressed all the way to product design and everything in-between.

Graduating from the Raffles Design Institute in Singapore, I’ve worked with start-ups and mid-sized companies across India and Malaysia. Being involved in various sectors has enabled me to problem-solve across the board, with clients ranging from food & beverage, hospitality, fashion, lifestyle, music & entertainment, education and healthcare.

Over the last 3 years, I’ve discovered a passion for a very specific branch of the healthcare sector: Mental Health. I’ve had the privilege of working on several projects in this space since, and aspire to collect these insights and implement them to even more beneficial solutions in the future.

You can find a copy of my resume here.