A monthly picnic initiative of Don’t Panic Asia and Project Kakoo; Jom Piknik.
Meaning ‘Let’s Picnic’, it was a recurring community project held at lesser known parks across Malaysia with food, bazaars, game zones and local entertainment.

The branding was evocative of a good old-fashioned picnic. With summer setting in, the palette was vibrant and mostly primary, with the pattern set consisting of gingham prints and traditional Malaysian batik in fun colours, that could be assembled into any kind of mandala pattern.
Targeted at the Malaysian youth and young families; curated social media content and the same design language was taken across the event’s various on-ground collaterals.

A series of teaser posts about the tantalising homemade food that would be available was created, and the showcases through signages at the actual events, taking full advantage of the playfulness of the design – appealing to children and families alike.